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Jose Lopez has been a member of the Organization for over a decade and now serves as its President. Jose currently works for HCSO at the Training Academy as a Sergeant. As President, his focus is member services and continuing the growth of HCDO FOP 39. 


Contact Jose with any questions or concerns, at the HCDO FOP 39 office or via email.

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As First Vice President for the HCDO FOP 39, Steve Stensland focuses of member recruitment and engagement. He is the HCDO FOP 39 TCOLE Coordinator. Steve works as a Sergeant in neighborhood policing for HCSO and is dedicated to serving his brothers and sisters in blue. 


Contact Steve with any questions or concerns, at the HCDO FOP 39 office or via email.


As Second Vice President for the HCDO FOP 39, Leonard Gonzales is excited to improve member engagement. As a longtime patrol deputy and FTO, he holds the pulse of the working deputy. He wants to make sure each member gets treated fairly and with respect. 


Contact Leonard with any questions or concerns, at the HCDO FOP 39 office or via email.

Norman Fitts, TREASURER

Norman Fitts has made a big contribution to the organization as treasurer by managing the finances and ensuring HCDO FOP 39 has a bright and productive future.  Norman currently works as a Deputy in HCSO Investigations.


Contact Norman with any questions or concerns, at the HCDO FOP 39 office or via email.

Elizabeth McEntire, SECRETARY

As Secretary for the HCDO FOP 39, Elizabeth has a passion for helping others and serving her community. As Secretary, she ensures all agenda items are discussed. Elizabeth works as a dispatch supervisor in HCSO Communications and is a licensed TCOLE telecommunication officer.


Contact Elizabeth with any questions or concerns, at the HCDO FOP 39 office or via email.

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Joe Henning served as President from Jan 2018 to May 2019. He now serves as Immediate Past President and serves on the Executive Board. Joe is retired from HCSO after 27+ years of service. Joe served in several different positions on the local FOP board during his 20 year membership, working his way up to President. 


Contact Joe with any questions or concerns, at the HCDO office or via email.


James Kershaw has been an active member for decades and has proven loyalty to the Organization. James is a retired Deputy from HCSO and is now an active lodge member. As Sergeant at Arms, he ensures lodge rules are followed.  


Contact James with any questions or concerns, at the HCDO office or via email.

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David Cuevas, Executive Director 

"David believes every member needs to know what is going on in their union," says former HCDO president Lynwood Moreau. "Over the years I've known him, David has always asked questions." Now, David is involved with HCDO in sharing those answers and inspiring others.


David is a well-respected Sergeant assigned to HCSO Investigations.


He can be reached though the HCDO FOP 39 office or via email.

The Board of the Harris County Deputies’ Organization FOP 39 are themselves members and they all serve or are retired law enforcement in Harris County. The Board is elected by members to serve every two years. Each Board member is open to talking with members about HCDO FOP 39 and any concerns the member has regarding their jobs in law enforcement. All the Board members are dedicated to helping their law enforcement family and advocating for the betterment of all.

The HCDO FOP Board

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